CranioSacral Therapy

Benefits: Balancing of the nervous system. Trauma release. Improved postural alignment. Enhanced overall well-being. Increase in immune system function.

What to expect: With years of experience in "entrainment" - the fine tuning of the hands to read the vital signs of another energy system - your practitioner will be able to assess the blockages, restrictions, and stagnations within your body and release those twist and turns so that energy may flow freely, promoting good health.

In the hands-on practice, CranioSacral Therapy reverses inertial patterning, the physical expression with how we have dealt with traumas over the course of our lives. A restriction within this system can manifest anywhere else within the body. For example, a sprained ankle on the left side could ultimately lead to headaches coming in from the right parietal bone.

Expand your knowledge: Over 100 years ago, Dr. William Sutherland, the founder of CranioSacral Therapy, discovered that the cranial sutures were actually designed to oscillate between two positions - flexion and extension. He understood through palpation and deep meditation that the sutures of the cranium express small degrees of motion. After many years of devoted research, he concluded that this impulse was stimulated by the inherent life force of the body and he called it ‘the Breath of Life’.  Sutherland also found that this intrinsic motion cascades rhythmically down the spine, affecting the nervous system, controlling the flow of cerebrospinal fluids, as well as the structure of the spinal column and the glandular systems in the brain.

Just a century ago, osteopaths made gentle physical adjustments to the skeleton to help fix ailments from the common cold to life threatening diseases. Today however, a DO functions more similarly to an MD.  This inherent human need for touch has been filled by practitioners of various types of Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic techniques, acupuncture, and other alternative modalities. 

  • We invite you to experience Zen Den, the therapeutic wellness center in Newport, Rhode Island.

    We invite you to experience Zen Den, the therapeutic wellness center in Newport, Rhode Island.